Exchange Perfect Money PMUSD to Bitcoin BTC

Rate: 118449.92 PMUSD = 1 BTC
Min. amount: 10 PMUSD
Max. amount: 5500 PMUSD

Reserve: 0.54 BTC
Need more?

The amount will be sent to the address you enter. Please be very careful in entering the address. Entering incorrect address may result in loss of assets.

Perfect Money PMUSD to Bitcoin BTC Exchange Rules:

To exchange Perfect Money to Bitcoin, you need to follow these steps:

  • 1. If you are not logged in, Login. If you dont have coinom account, Sign Up.
  • 2. Double-check the exchange amount and your bitcoin receiving address.
  • 3. Read the terms of the agreement. When accepting it, tick the appropriate field and press «Exchange».
  • 4. On the order page, check all the information about your order and click the Pay button.
  • 5. Make payment via Perfect Money. (The Perfect Money payment process and confirmation is automatic)

  • After payment, you will redirect to the Order page, where you can check the status and information of your order.
    Your order will be checked by our operators and will be completed in a short time.
    If you have any questions, Submit A Support Ticket